Psst. Buddy, wanna buy a billion impressions. Cheap?

Fasone AdminFasone News

Anyone can sell you millions (billions?) of media impressions on the cheap. It’s not hard. But even at pennies per click, it’s at best a waste. At worst those gazillions of cheap impressions are going to cost you business.

Out of context, massive impression numbers are nothing more than smoke and mirrors. You’re just creating more noise in the marketplace. Easily ignored. Quickly hated.

Instead, focus on the value and engagement of your advertising. Does your message ring true? Or are you simply interrupting? Are you valued, honorable and a company that is looking to make your corner of the market better? Are you open and willing to engage with your customers? Buying more and more impressions won’t change that.

Both your perceived value and the interactions you keep with your customers will earn you their permission. Permission to continue interacting with them. Permission to share your story with them. Permission to get their ongoing attention. And in the end their business.

And isn’t that why you’re buying millions of impressions in the first place?